OnePlus 2 has now received a price cut in India! The OnePlus 2 16GB variant will be available for Rs 20,999, while the 64GB variant will be priced at Rs 22,999 respectively and will be available via Amazon India. The company stated in a press statement, “Why have the price drop? Let’s just say that thanks to both timing and scale, our operations have sized up sufficiently propelling us to offer our flagship offering as an even better proposition for your connectivity needs.” With the OnePlus 2, the company has built a device that competes with the likes of the Google Nexus 6P and others. In fact, the superior specs sheet at a comparatively lower price gives it an edge over other flagships. Design-wise, the metal-frame design makes it look premium. It sports a 5.5-inch 1080p display. As promised, the smartphone also comes with a fingerprint scanner and USB Type-C port. The fingerprint scanner is faster than the iPhone TouchID and ...